In Kyle Newacheck’s follow-up feature film for Netflix, the actor is featured once again playing the character of the golfer who became an unlikely phenomenon. Getting...
Targeting big-budget genre sets, the HBO comedy from “Veep” creator Armando Iannucci and “Succession” writer Jon Brown Armando Iaunucci is on his way; Hollywood big-budget tentpoles...
He and his best friend Amelia Sachs, represented by Eve Hewson, and Benjy Winbury, played by Billy Howle. Merritt Monaco, portrayed by Meghan Fahy, served as...
Even though Nicole Kidman was presented with a significant accolade at the Venice Film Festival this year, she was unable to accept it in person since...
The tennis era is very real for Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. On Sunday, Swift and Kelce were just two of the famous faces featured in...
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s best friend Matt Damon had a “long, deep conversation According to reports, Jennifer Lopez and Matt Damon had a lengthy 20-minute...
The term “TRONTO” The iconic Latina singer from “Selena” and Puchi from “El Cantante” are just two instances of the real-life characters that Jennifer Lopez has...
Taylor Swift attended the NFL season opening on Sept. 5 at Arrowhead Stadium, Travis Kelce’s home. On a break from her record-breaking “Eras Tour,” the singer-songwriter...
The Beetlejuice Spoilers for “Beetlejuice”! Let’s examine that amazing, imaginative cameo Spoiler alert! We’re discussing major plot points and the ending of “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” currently in...
It’s morning in New York. You know you’ve watched the original “Beetlejuice” to get ready for the sequel, right? But you aren’t the only one who...